As I mentioned–I think several times–in my About page and the “Welcome to Platinum” post is that I blog for Amazing Stories. Part of the territory that comes with that is that I am also on the staff of that magazine. I inquired to current publisher and owner Steve Davidson on New Year’s day when I noticed on the site that they were looking for new bloggers. I was nervous, to say the least. I’d had a few minor blogs before I decided to try my hand at this site, but the quality of the posts were appalling and the subject matter (which Steve made me painfully aware of) of those old posts were me whining about having writer’s block and that was about it. Luckily for me, he allowed me a chance to write him a proper little essay for him to look at the quality of my writing. I did so, even hiring my editor Victoria and my writer friend Greg to proofread before I sent it to him. Steve emailed me back shortly after, invited me into the Amazing Stories family and my first post appeared on March 3, 2014 ( I am slated at the moment to contribute every other Monday, my next post due to appear on March 31st.

I want to take a moment and make a few things clear, since this is one of my earliest posts for Platinum. First off, this is MY blog. This blog is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Amazing Stories other than the fact that I am on the staff of AS. I might occasionally recommend a post or two from the pages of Amazing, or advertise something that my publisher requests us to, but otherwise Amazing Stories’ business will remain theirs, and this blog’s mine. I will not divulge any secrets, business dealings or any major Amazing Stories news on my site unless specifically asked to do so by my publisher. Besides, the majority of the news and updates can easily be found on its website, We encourage everybody to check it out.

Also, all of the opinions and thoughts you will find in my posts will be mine, unless properly cited as not mine. I am a very professional person and will give credit where it is deserved. The official stance or view of Amazing Stories on any subject, topic, or issue is not mine to give. I am just a writer. I can only give you my own opinions on things. If by some chance you seek the official position on something from Amazing Stories, I recommend contacting the publisher, Steve.

I will be talking alot about SF, writing and blogging here on Platinum. I want to inform you readers though that I am NOT trying to outdo Amazing Stories or any other blog for that matter. I wanted a blog where I could talk freely without any restrictions whenever I want about anything I want. Even though my main focus is SF if I wanted to spend a day talking about dogs or cats or anything else random I can do that. That’s the beauty of having your own blog. I can’t do that at AS; I sort of have to stick within boundaries when I write on there. On here I don’t.

So, in a nutshell: This is MY blog, and anything I say or write on here is from me and not anyone else. I can do and say what I want whenever I want on here and can get away with it. If you don’t like that, then why are you still reading this?

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