Services Offered

For a few semesters from 2010-2011 I worked as a writing tutor for Grand Rapids Community College. During that time I was President of the creative writing club and was a fiction editor for the campus literary magazine. Seeing as how the students needed their papers for class I have no portfolio to present to potential clients, and one of the things I really want to be eventually is an editor. I am very passionate about reading and writing, and would love to be able to be in a position to help both published and aspiring writers improve their craft.

Therefore, I am offering my editorial skills pro bono to anyone who would like me to assist them. As I said, I have no portfolio–I am brand spanking new to editing professionally–but I hope for that to change very very soon, depending on how many people ask to me assist them. I see myself as a risk-free venue. You have nothing to lose by “hiring” me to take a look at your work, possibly only a lot to gain. I can direct you to a much more experienced editor with a real portfolio if you so choose, but I’d love to be able to take a gander first. All I ask is to be able to make a note on my site saying, “Hey, I read over Joe Shmuckatelli’s novel.” Tutoring writing is essentially editing. You’re taking rough drafts of papers and projects and looking for ways to improve them without strictly “correcting”, per se. Usually its always best to get more than one opinion on something anyway. I’d love to be the first one you go to. Contact me at if you’re interested, or if you have any questions or concerns.

Besides editing, if you’re simply looking for a spelling/grammar check, I’m also willing to proofread free of charge, too.

One of the major things I plan on doing on this blog is reviewing. Science fiction is, afterall, primarily FICTION, so its only natural that a site dedicated to SF is going to have a bunch of reviews. If you are a new (or published) author looking to have a new work reviewed send me an email describing your book and a little bit about yourself and I’ll respond almost immediately. Again, this is all pro bono. Seeing a finished review on my website at the end of the day is the best reward I could ask for.

ALSO, if you’re a poet, artist, or musician or filmmaker working in the science fiction field and would like me to post something about your latest projects, send me an email and we’ll talk.

If by some chance you’re curious as to whether or not I’d be willing to do something else for you that I haven’t mentioned already, email me.

NOTE: One of the things I am NOT willing to do–at least not yet–is publish fiction or poetry on my site. Platinum is not (yet) a market for such work, and at any rate I couldn’t pay you even if I wanted to. Publishing fiction and poetry on a blog such as this is looked upon by many other markets as self-publishing and as such anything you post on here would be off-limits to other publishers. Not all of them, but some. So please don’t ask me to run your story or poem on here. I don’t want to ruin your chances at future publication.


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